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National University of Singapore----Dr. Kyle K.L. Phua学术报告

责编:系统管理员 |发布时间:2017-06-21 |浏览次数:141

应生物医用材料北京实验室徐福建教授课题组邀请, National University of SingaporeDr. Kyle K.L. Phua2017519日到访实验室并为我校师生作了题为“Messenger RNA therapy: Past, present, future”的学术报告。


在此次报告中,Dr. Kyle K.L. Phua重点介绍了基于mRNA治疗方法的研究现状,同时也讲解了基于mRNA在基因治疗中的挑战与未来。Dr. Kyle K.L. Phua的报告让老师和同学们更加深入的了解了纳米材料在基因治疗中的重要性,同时也了解了合成新结构和新功能高分子对聚合物科学发展的重要意义。最后,在提问环节中,Dr. Kyle K.L. Phua和在座师生进行了交流互动。










Dr. Kyle K.L. Phua简介:

   Dr. Phua obtained his Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering (2014) from Duke University under the mentorship of Professor Kam Leong and Smita Nair, the pioneer and inventor of RNA vaccine at Duke University Medical Center. Dr Phua started his lab at the National University of Singapore in 2014 immediately after his PhD and his research focuses on two areas: mRNA delivery science and mRNA delivery technology Dr Phua has published as first author in highly reputed journals such as Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release, Nanoscale and Advanced Healthcare Materials.


撰稿:李杨 | 供稿单位:材料科学与工程学院 | 摄影:李杨 |