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责编:系统管理员 |发布时间:2016-07-15 |浏览次数:42

赵明 教授

姓名: 赵明
职称: 教授

2006—:多肽及小分子药物北京市重点实验室 主任
2012-: 医用生物材料北京实验室   副主任
已发表国外SCI论文127篇(IF=401.375),8篇国际SCI论文被选为封面文章,申请国家发明专利415项(授权185项,公开48项,申请182项);获6项省部级科技进步奖。1项国家教学成果二等奖、3项北京市教育教学成果奖。除参编10部国内专著外,受Wiley出版社邀请于2009年全球发行1部关于药物的生物分析的英文专著,被Wiley出版社推荐为该领域权威著作,并被国外前40名高校中的12所学校,如Stanford、Cambridge等大学图书馆收藏;英国University of East Anglia的Dr. Gerd Wagner 特别撰写书评发表在ChemMedChem上。由于抗骨质疏松新药研究的成绩, INTECH出版社邀请他为即将出版的New Findings in Osteoporosis (骨质疏松的新发现) 撰写了Modification of sex hormones with RGD-peptide: A strategy of improving HRT and other secondary osteoporosis therapy。在这本新书中, 这是唯一涉及抗骨质疏松新药研究的章节。此外,发表在英国化学会MedCheCom上的研究结果被BIONITY. COM网站报道、受国际杂志Expert Opin. Ther. Pat邀请对国际同行的专利进行专家评述、发表在ACS-NANO的文章被 ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: September 04, 2013报道,国内外媒体纷纷转载,发表在Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Medchemcomn,的药物研究的文章受邀作为封底文章。现为JMC、EJMC等刊物的审稿人,2010年被JMC评为Top tier reviewer。

1. Shaoming Jin, Yaonan Wang, Haimei Zhu, Yuji Wang, Shurui Zhao, Ming Zhao,* Jiawang Liu,Jianhui Wu, Wen Gao, and Shiqi Peng,* Nanosized Aspirin-Arg-Gly-Asp-Val: elivery of Aspirin to Thrombus bythe Target Carrier Arg-Gly-Asp-Val etrapeptide. ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (9), 7664–7673. IF=12.062 
2. Haimei Zhu, Yuanbo Song, Yuji Wang,  Ming Zhao,* Yi Ren,Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Jianhui Wu, Shiqi Peng*, Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel π-π stacking nano-intercalator as anti-tumor agent†, Med. Chem. Commun  DOI: 10.1039/C5MD00507H   IF=2.495   封面文章
3. Xi Hu,Ming Zhao,* Yuji Wang, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Jianhui Wu, Xiangmin Li, and Shiqi Peng,*,Tetrahydro-β-carboline-3-carboxyl-thymopentin: A nano-conjugate for releasing pharmacophores to treat tumor and complications.Journal of Materials Chemistry B. DOI:10.1039/x0xx00000x  IF=4.726
4. Feng Wang a, Shan Li a, Yuji Wang a, Haimei Zhu a, Xiaoyi Zhang a, Ming Zhao *ab, Jianhui Wu a and Shiqi Peng *a ,Enantiomeric diketopiperazines: getting insight into the impact of the configuration on the conformation, nanoimage, u-PA inhibition and anti-metastatic activity†,Med. Chem. Commun., 2015, 6, 956-962    IF=2.495 封面文章
5. Shuangling Chen, Yuji Wang, Shan Li, Yaonan Wang, Ming Zhao, Haimei Zhu, Jianhui Wu, Shiqi Peng, Poly-α,β-aspartyl-Arg-Gly-Asp-Phe: A novel polymeric nanomedicine. MedChemComm 2015, 6, 182-186.  IF=2.495  封面文章
6. Hualong Yu,a Shenghui Mei,a Li Zhao,b Ming Zhao,*ac Yuji Wang,a Haimei Zhu,aYaonan Wang,a Jianhui Wu,a Chunying Cui,a Wenyun Xua and Shiqi Peng*a,RGD-peptides modifying dexamethasone: to enhance the anti-inflammatory efficacy and limit the risk of osteoporosis†,Med. Chem. Commun.,2015, 6, 1345-1351  IF=2.495封面文章
7. Wenjing Wang, Chenjie Fang, Xiaozhu Wang, Yuxi Chen, Wei Feng, Chunhua Yan, Ming Zhao, Shiqi Peng, Modifying mesoporous silica nano-particle to avoid the metabolic deactivation of 6-mercaptopurine and methotrexate in combinatorial chemotherapy. Nanoscale 2013, 5, 6249 - 6253.  IF=6.233   封面文章
8. Yuji Wang, Jianhui Wu, Guifeng Kang, Ming Zhao,* Lin Gui, Ning Li, Li Peng, Xiaoyi Zhang, Li Li and Shiqi Peng*. Novel nano-materials, RGD-tetrapeptide-modified 17b-amino-11a-hydroxy*******-1,4-diene-3-one: synthesis, self-assembly based nano-images and in vivo anti-osteoporosis evaluation†. J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 4652–4659  IF=5.968 封面文章
9. Li Li, Ming Zhao,* Wenhao Li, Yuji Wang, Zhuge Zhang, Ran An and Shiqi Peng*. Self-complexation and complexation-controlled target cancer therapy† Med. Chem. Commun. 2012, 3, 1059 - 1061   IF=2.8  封面文章